Originally Posted by ironbender

Just make sure it's rinsed and then fully cooked.

There's a couple other things that I do to make sure I don't get poisoned.

1) The bird has to be completely defrosted and I let it sit on the counter to come close to room temp. Cool is OK but no frosty parts.

2) Stuff it as soon as the dressing is cooked and immediately put in the oven.

The above ensures that it will cook evenly and the interior will fully cook and kill all the nasties.

One other thing worth mentioning. The dressing has to be a little dry to account for the extra moisture inside the turkey and don't overstuff it by cramming it in. If you don't leave it a tad dry the stuffing it will turn into a big clump of gooey mess. Tasty mess but gooey. smile