I guess I don't subscribe to the "Buy American" ideal simply because I've seen enough of America to know it's not going to be a better product purely by virtue of the worker being American. There are a lot of people in America that simply exist, with no desire to produce. Whether that be as workers, parents, spouses, friends, etc. We are a nation that is quickly slipping in terms of quality of people and value to each other. It used to be that buying American meant getting a better product while supporting your fellow American. Now its just buying a product, most likely inferior in construction relative to price, that was assembled by someone who probably doesn't even have pride in themselves. America is a nation of selfish people who value "more sh:t now" more than "quality in time". We see it in our relationships, government, attitudes...physiques. What makes you think consumer products are immune if we allow that mentality to affect even the way we raise our kids or take care of our bodies? There are plenty of Americans who possess the attitude and drive that are worth supporting, but they are far outnumbered. Until we reverse course as a nation in our attitudes towards value in our work, things, and each other nothing will change.