Originally Posted by jwp475

First off I like the 3" J-Frames much better than the 1 7/8" models. They are easier to shoot accurately a no have more velocity a win, win IMHO.

The 10mm does nothing better than the 45 IMHO. A 45 +P or 45 +P+ (Super) is the better way to go IMHO and I have all of them.

Never fell for the 17's either.

On the other hand, does the 45 do anything better than a 10mm does?

I might be prejudiced toward the 10mm, based on the idea that most of my hand gun shooting is at targets from 25 yds to 50 yds, with a large minority of target work done at 100 yds to 130 yds.

And then Bob comes along and we start shooting out to 500 yds and beyond.

Admittedly this is revolver work. But when I consider a pistol cartridge, I will use this criteria, as this is the ONLY actual use I have for a handgun.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.