Guys, I get that whoever buys the pieces needs them to get a rifle back together. I don't see even the "may" in the statement that it "may bring another rifle back to life." I cannot imagine any other reason for paying those prices. And that is the only saving grace to this whole mess. If I had to have a part to keep the rifle running, I'd probably be right there bidding. So, maybe the difference is I want a beater stock rather than I need a beater stock.

But, at the end of the day, it still seems to me like a line has been crossed. I think that as long as this guy gets his money, he could care less if an old rifle was restored or some crackpot artist decided to weld the parts together to make a "Winchester lamp."

Again, I am reluctant to pass judgement (not that anyone really cares what I think anyway) without knowing the whole story. I hope this guy has some really good reasons other than "I sell parts."

Clinging to guns & religion since 1959

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Election Integrity is more important than Election Convenience

Washington Post: "Democracy Dies in Darkness"
More correct: "Killing Democracy Faster Than Darkness"