Originally Posted by GutshotBuck
How long WILL people keep listening?

Guess it depends on how gullible they are.


you seem to be a perfect example of what's wrong with our country

appreciate you illustrating to the good folks here what many are aware of

having a Socialist run for Prez is not unusual, we've had em throughout the history of this country

but it wasn't until recently that we had enough spineless folks that would elect them.

how gullible?

"most transparent gov't ever" providing you don't ask to see what I did in college, believe we lost our emails, believe F&F was to combat crime

"you can keep your doctor" "you can keep you plan"

I'd say your kind are pretty danged gullible

but I'm thankful for the type of guys that post here, men that will look you in the eye, word is their bond types.

makes the contrast so easy to see how lucky we are to have the good guys that post here when someone like you drops by on occasion.

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.