Originally Posted by shootem
Originally Posted by GutshotBuck
even for those that disagree completely with the points made, or those that hate the Israel state, the speech gave clear points to debate or to reject.

It was a colossal waste of breath, because until he faces the problem of Palestine--his words mean nothing.

All the bragging and macho chest-beating in the world will not change the facts.

Palestine is the root of all of the Zionist problems.....and Zionists are pretending that issue does not exist.

The entire Middle East is spiraling OUT OF CONTROL right now and the root of all the war, terrorism and strife is the Zionist atrocities against the Palestinians.

So, he babbles on about being a courageous victim while he fails to even address the root of the problem.

That's how nations fail and that's why this rogue regime the call "Israel" will fail.

It continually amazes me how all the Muslim countries in the Middle East yell for a Palestinian Homeland but none are willing to donate land.

Exactly . His idol zero has created more destruction in the middle east with his ARAB Spring then anything else on record in that region including the 7 day war with Egypt.