Originally Posted by djs

That number - $17,744.90 - is in millions of dollars (according to your listed website). So the real number that the Obama Administration has given Israel is $17,477,900,000.00 (plus or minus a million bucks or two).

And for all the money ($120,472,000,000 total) that the US has given to Israel since 1949, we've been:
- Attacked by Israel with US servicemen killed and wounded (USS Liberty)
- Rebuffed at all attempts to settle the Middle-East situation fairly
- Had our weapons systems technology copied and sold in competition to US manufacturers (loss of US jobs)

That set of facts happen to be anti-semitic and full of hate wink and you should be ashamed of yourself for citing them, Adolf crazy .

There; I beat the pachyderm sack suckers here to the punch.