Originally Posted by Barkoff
Originally Posted by SBH
Originally Posted by goalie
Originally Posted by SBH
So Folks,

Are you suggesting...........then........that medical businesses recognize the insured versus the uninsured........and charge the insured MANY TIMES the uninsured........cuz they know that the insurance company will pay without question?

Yes. That is correct.


As an insured patient..........you also get quicker and better attention, too.........right? From personal experience........the ER staff will pull you outta a room full of bums who have been sitting there for hours right after you flash your insurance card. I am completely convinced that hospitals have a person in the ER running around prioritizing patient care based on insured versus uninsured.

But maybe that's not for bigger payment..........it's for GUARANTEED payment?

Still don't agree with the OP on the extreme difference in costs. Not at all.

I have double insurance, not once have I been given leeway in a waiting room. Why are you acting as if you are an expert on the subject, when clearly you are not?

Actually Bark,

I am. I've seen it several times in the last 18 months.

Evidently.......you don't scream INSURED as loud as I do........

Confucius say: He who angers you.......controls you.

My Lifestance is one of Secular Humanism.