It's also a lot like the Liberal/NDP agenda for gun control. They are subtle and sly, and start with baby steps that even the left end of the hunting and gun owning community will applaud as common sense, saying "well sure, why do we need to own handguns, anyway? They are only used for robbing banks." Or "well sure, why shouldn't we have to use all meat from every animal killed, it's common sense." The problem is that it's not common sense. Using meat from an animal killed is only one reason for hunting. Many people shoot gophers, coyotes, magpies, crows, and other animals without any intention to use the meat, and do it for other purposes. Though the facade of "common sense" does make sense to those who laud governments that feverishly claw their way at gaining control over our individual lives.

Next thing you know, they are going to try and require hunters to use all the meat from cougars, wolves, and badgers, too...