Good morning to you Dave - it's great to see you posting again and I hope this finds you and yours doing well.

As Dewey stated, that is a very eloquent post sir and there's nothing I'd add or take away.

On another BC forum I'm on there's a push for us as BC hunters to take the "I hunt for food only" stance and while that appears to be reasonable initially, as you mentioned there are exceptions to it.

My goodness I hope they don't start expecting me to eat the coyotes we call in Dave.... eek

As an extension to greydog's post, I might even cook the coyote for the CO - outside of course.... wink

Do you think the BBQ would ever be the same afterward?

Seriously though Dave that was a grand post and I couldn't have said it better or differently.

All the best to you all this spring.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"