We don't want aggression, I/we are only trying to point out that the B.C. you hunted a few years ago is not the same one as today. The Climate of changed has been forced on us like how your ancestors may have felt in 1776. We are 1.. asking for the support and understanding of fellow hunters, we are 2.. doing you the respect of letting you know things may be vastly different in many "wilderness" guiding areas for the next few years. There is absolutely no need to hunt B.C, there are as good or better opportunities in the Yukon, NWT and Alberta. You are the first to get on soapboxes and become angered when you feel your rights(second amendment for example) are being infringed on but ask for understanding and support when ours are being crushed and certain of you start with the F you we will hunt where we want today and to hell with tomorrow. Well if we are pushed hard enough we may be pushing for a no Non resident allocation p[olicy. And you wonder why there may be some minor anti American sentiments, look no further than a small portion of your countrymen for the answer.