Originally Posted by FoxtonGundogs
I'm done with this, I have stated the situation as well as I can, I have asked for the help of FELLOW HUNTERS not just Americans. I have been involved in this fight with out gov't since day one, writing letters, going to meetings and protest rallies. Those that don't get it or feel that 40% non resident allocation is fair when you enjoy 5-10%in your home state then do what you will. We will continue to do what we must. I just sincerely hope you never as hunters find yourself in our situation.

I'm not sure where your numbers come from, but there are lots of areas inthe states that are at 50% allocation for nonresidents or have no limits at all. If you care to look at the second page of this permit application, you can see much of Kodiak Island is at 33-50% allocated to nonresidents: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/license/huntlicense/pdfs/2015-2016_draw_supplement.pdf
Has been this way for a long time. There are many states that place no limit on the number of non resident license sold. Just think of that, no limit. No limit on moose or elk nonresident hunters. Yeah, that happens here in the states in quite a few places. While we may try to change the allocation from within, we don't get venomous with visiting hunters. No burning of guide shacks. No whining to foreign countries.

Again, more power to you. It's your country, do as you will. Just don't think it's somehow unique or new just becasue it's happening to you. Hopefully BC comes to a happy medium, but like some on here, nothing will ever make certain people happy.

Don't just be a survivor, be a competitor.