I have tried a lot of boots. I have had four pairs of Meindl boots. The original Canadas were simply awesome. I had mine resoled and sent them to my guide in BC after a hunt since he had completely destroyed his Danners. I have a pair of Alaskans that need to be resoled but otherwise are fine. I am on my third pair of Kennetrek Hardscrabbles. The first two came unbonded, this third pair is pretty good.

First time I looked at the Perfekts I knew they wouldn't hold up to the walking I do. Soles fell off in a week. They are just too light duty.

Buddy goes through a set of Lowas in 6 months and now likes Zamberlins (spelling?).

Not sure what I will buy next time. Hard to find EE width boots sometimes.

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Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.