I wish more Gun Writers where like Flores these day and would write more about Varmint and Small Games hunting than just trying to push something new from the Gun Companies in all their published articles . The Gun Magazines these day are just about advertising. As much as i like the 1911 , i'm tired of every other article in every major magazine being about nothing but the latest and greatest 1911 that will set you back 3 grand or more. I don't think they understand most subscribers could care less about a three thousand dollar custom pistol and are more interested in articles that relate to the average Joe . I would much rather read about some average guy sitting under a Hickory Tree with a old single barrel shotgun squirrel hunting than about some pecker head competing in a three gun competition or about the latest weapons some Swat Team in some big city just acquired, but maybe I'm just a odd ball when it comes to Gun and Hunting Magazines and that is why i canceled all my subscriptions to everything except for Varmint Hunter and American Rifleman.

A Doe walks out of the woods today and says, that is the last time I'm going to do that for Two Bucks.