Originally Posted by WyoCoyoteHunter
The discussion of magazines reminds me of the articles JB wrote for, I believe Field and Stream.. One I remember and still have is about how he met his wife.. The articles are in a file somewhere in the loading room.. Every so often I dig though that stuff on a rainy day or winter storm, and reread them.. Good stuff.. One of the other articles that was a special one was an article about Thanksgiving Day.. Folks were spending the holiday at a friends cabin.. Some were loafing, and others out for a last try for deer and elk.. Luckily when I am interested in the good old days, I can dig out my old articles, or dig though stacks of magazines in the storage room.. Some fine work there.

Now I occasionally buy Handloader and Rifle, along with Doublegun Journal, and Gundog.. I only get Bugle, Am. Hunter, and just renewed Fur-Fish-Game..

As others mentioned, Varmint Hunter used to be my favorite I bought the first one I ever saw, the second issue..I took it for several years, then the average Job articles were replaced with staff articles and I dropped it.. I do remember when I first got the mag. I thought this is great!!! I soon realized this would be the end of much of the free varmint hunting I had enjoyed for 30 years.. Unfortunately, I was correct.

i keep the vast majority of mine too.....-40 out wind howling.....stack of old magazines is a fun way to kill an afternoon....plus my interests do change somewhat so nice to go back and read articles i glanced over before cause i had minimal interest in the gun at that time....

A serious student of the "Armchair Safari" always looking for Africa/Asia hunting books