Handloader is the one I've considered getting a subscription for. My G&A finally ran out. So glad. I used to love it when I was a teen. As John said, I guess my interests and the specialization of the magazine diverged at some point in the last 5 years. I'm not even sure why my subscription kept going so long.

I often prefer reading books and magazines to electronic media. Unless I'm hopping planes all day to get back east. Then my Kindle is the ticket.

It seems to me that from the samples I've seen here and there, the gun and hunting writing has improved on average since I was a kid. There were certainly fewer options then. It has been more of a challenge to find the niche into which I fit, though. G&A, Shooting Times, American Rifleman used to hit the spot. I don't know which would now.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.