Originally Posted by Scott F
Here is a hint that will help. BSA is not out. But no matter where parents allow their kids to go the parents MUST be involved. You kid attends a church youth group you need to know the who, what, when, and where. Some with BSA or anything else.

I know some fine upstanding men involves with scouts who if anything will be more alert for wrong doing than before. The Campfire's own Seafire comes to mind. I know John. Been a guest in his home and spent a lot of time with the man. He is been in scouting a long time and I am willing to bet nothing wrong will go on in any troop he has anything to do with.

But nowhere is safe to just let your kid be a part of without your active involvemen. The day of just sending a kid off somewhere without your supervision are long over. It is nothing like when most of us were kids and it really was not safe back then. Trust me, I know.

Well said