Kid's growing up today have WAY too much organization in their lives. They spend entirely too much time with persons their own age and gender.

It's a result of changing from a rural society to an urban one. We had to "organize" our own activities, and had to include ALL the kids in walking or bike riding distance. This meant older and younger, boys and girls [sometimes].

At school we were trapped with a completely different bunch... all our own age.

At "home" the younger could learn from the older. Fathers were too busy trying to make a living, and mothers had a REAL full time job just keeping the household together.

The biggest damage the homo agenda has done to our society is that it has put a wall between kids and old guys that are not related to them.

No adult male nowadays is going to be caught around young kids that could learn much from him.

And that's sad.

I say good riddance to the BSA. Something will fill any vacuum left by their passing.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place