Amen. I'm a Committee Member and just finished the rest of my required training to become an Assistant Scout Master with my older son's troop and am a Den Leader of my younger son's Cub Scout pack. When my oldest daughter was in Girl Scouts, my wife attended every meeting with her and I went on the campouts. We know our kids are not being exposed to any nonsense because we are there with them and involved. That's the key - parent involvement.

No one is less thrilled than I am about BSA's decision, but the real rubber meets the road at the local troop level. Instead of pulling your boys out of scouting, get involved and make sure it's done right in YOUR troop.[/quote]

^^^^This guy got it right. I am an Eagle Scout from 1985 and long time Girl Scout Leader. Yep, GIRL SCOUT leader. Get involved and run the troop, your troop, like it needs to be run. It works and adults and youth will appreciate it. Even dads can be girl scout leaders. Our troop camps, hikes, does archery, etc.............. and sells cookies. Get involved. I do stick out at Girl Scout leader training events and the reception is not always warm. I do not care, I am there for the scouts, not the council.