Folks that don't think yotes catch, kill and eat both full grown deer and big Tom Turkeys just haven't studied the yote very much. I have volumes of files on the subject.

Yotes in density are a far greater threat to the wild turkey population than any other critter period. I have studied it not only with the state but with the NWTF.

During Wild Turkey nesting season the yotes will spread out and grid search for nests. Not only do they eat all the eggs but a broody hen turkey is an easy kill for them as well.

AS a matter of fact during the brood season the yotes go into Turkey mode just the same as a rainbow will go into mayfly mode. Most critters take advantage of the easiest most nourishing food available at the time. Its just common sense.

I have debated this over and over with our state bureaucrats, starting the debates around 20 years ago. Now our head biologist has obliged that yes they do most certainly represent a huge problem to both turkey and deer.

Lowcountry Wildlife Management
Knowing Wildlife Beyond Science
[email protected]
Genesis 9;2