Originally Posted by Strick9
Folks that don't think yotes catch, kill and eat both full grown deer and big Tom Turkeys just haven't studied the yote very much. I have volumes of files on the subject.

Yotes in density are a far greater threat to the wild turkey population than any other critter period. I have studied it not only with the state but with the NWTF.

During Wild Turkey nesting season the yotes will spread out and grid search for nests. Not only do they eat all the eggs but a broody hen turkey is an easy kill for them as well.

You would be remiss if you didn't complete your observations with the number of nest that are destroyed by opossums, raccoon, and fox. The opossum is probably the most efficient as far as locating and eating eggs. Fox and bobcat are ridiculously effective at catching poults.

Coyotes are effective at killing of that there is no doubt. If you truly want to work on coyotes, either learn to trap or find a trapper to work your lands.