Originally Posted by isaac
Because of delays in responses, I'll assume in being even more fair, grown, intelligent men here, who I greatly respect,and who have raised families and helped loved ones who have endured this heart breaking dynamic sometime or many times in their lives somehow think there is something redeeming about this thread? Really?

Please tell me you just got caught up in the bullschit of some stupid-assed fun without thinking it through.

Travis,or whoever you are: I guess you were trying to F with me too or you began to realize you might have over-stepped your bounds for a day...or a month, whatever is the truth now. Anyways, here's the response that was awaiting what you've been ignoring,

Really, man?

Some folks might really need the help and hope they can possibly find inside the vast amount of trusted BTDT experiences inside our membership. Now, they might be afraid to ask for fear of being ridiculed.

A month long April Fool's joke about despair? You must think everyone you speak to doesn't have any more brains than the several handfuls who believe this is funny rather than pathetic.

Tricking trusting and compassionate folks is easy and takes no superior skill set, at all. Kids do it to their parents all the time. All you'd need to pull it off are trusting and compassionate people who believe you're a person who is hurting, in need of help and is deserving of that help.

Which of the two would you want teaching your kids?

You're a good man and I enjoy your contributions; always have.You're deservedly respected.You also might have made someone who was inspired by your initial thread pick up that drink again.

Do they GFY or do you?

F***k the politics and all our other battles. We know we'll sort that out because we have to and we have no choice, as pawns in the game.

This is on us, though. It's not funny and it's not who we are and you know it. Instead of getting along, let's get it right.

The premise of this thread is wrong. Pathetically wrong. Let's own it and move on.

Shame on us, otherwise.

You saved me a bunch of typing, Bob. Probably one of the most classless, ill conceived and humorless threads I've seen here.

4 out of 5 Great Lakes prefer Michigan. smile