Life was simpler in those days. I'm not sure how we ever killed anything <G>
My life with a rifle is paralleling my life with archery. I started my archery life with a simple recurve in the early 1970s. I 'discovered' the compound was a much better mousetrap and bought one. Moved through progressively better compounds and arrived at the top end in the early 1990s. I also shot at some big tournaments. In Detroit in ~ 1992 or 3, I completely missed a target. On camera. In front of 1000 people. Missing a target at that level guarantees you won't place. That episode ruined it for me. I bought a recurve and started shooting recurves, then started building them. I hunted almost exclusively with a bow for 10-12 years. Then came a torn labrum on my right sholder. SLAP type 2 with bone spurs and arthritis ended my archery days. All of that to say, I'm moving back to gentler cartridges and trying to simplify things abit. Heck I even bought some green box Remington's recently to shoot for fun because they were cheap. I fear I'm in danger of losing my rifle Looney patch.

Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it.