Back in the '50's, Quality Control was more or less 100% Inspection. Then there was a transition to Statistical Quality Control and subsequently ISO Standards which relied on numerical control and a new attitude on what was acceptable. There are Tables published by the Government Called Mil-Std 105, etc that allowed for some defects in manufacturing. The Japs started a new era with the inception of a different approach. That's when the Japs started to take over the Auto industry and also the Electronics market. With the current explosion in small arms, it is becoming more difficult for companies to adequately control quality in their products due to competition. Those that succeed in producing quality firearms today will be the old-timers, that have quality as their focus, and not aesthetics or price. You always will have a lemon out there in any product whether it be Auto's, Electronics, or Firearms. The secret is...luck. If you get lucky, you might get a fine product. If not you are screwed.

Better to be over the hill than under it.