I had to 'come to town' today. Going back in the morning. I am working for Brooks Range. Our pond is ready and the first plane goes on it today. Then I have to get the beavers ready.

About my bedroom. There is such a slant on the floor that twice I have got up in the middle of the night- well, there is no night here, but anyway, still half asleep and I have stumbled downhill like a drunk and crashed into my desk! I am learning to wake up more before I stand up! We have a super cub that we get to use after work but it has been to windy lately to have any fun playing. Today was great but I am not there.

I have seen one bull moose so far -bedded on a river bend oblivious to the super cub. According to the USFW guys that are monitoring the tracking collars, the big bears are still up pretty high- 3500' so none down where we are flying yet. Lots of rabbits (hares?) in town. Season should start kicking off next week with some river rafting folks coming. Not sure when I will get to town again and not enough bandwidth on our system to surf- check emails and the weather is about it. If anyone comes through- say howdy.


NRA Benefactor Member

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.