
I am sure the Oehler 33 is a much better unit than anything with screens I have ever had. I have had 2 Chronys and a Pact and that probably accounts for the missed shots I was getting. The Pact, especially, was horrible about it.

To me it was always so much of a PITA getting the rifle set up, the screens the right height and angle, and everything lined up with the target. Look through the rifle, go move screens. Look through the rifle, go move screens. It would take me 10 minutes just to get everything out and set up just right, then pull it all back down again when I was done. Maybe it was because the Pact was so bad about missing shots and having to have everything lined up just perfect that soured me on it, IDK. For an extended session when I had plenty of time it wasn't as much of a big deal. But I do a lot of my testing during lunch break at work where my time is pretty limited. It takes me about a minute or so to strap the Magnetospeed on, and I never miss any shots with it. It is just a really fast, hassel-free deal for me that way. I can carry the entire setup in one hand.

Plus I can just carry the Magnetospeed in my pack, and if I am out shooting some LR steel or something and need to check some velocities real quick it just takes a minute or two to do that as well.

Different strokes for different folks.