
If you thought my comments concerning pre64win were directed at you, please understand that was not my intention. I meant only, apparently in a somewhat clumsy manner, to pay Justin a compliment and thank him for sharing his expertise with us. In addition, I wanted to reassure him that we appreciate his honest opinion, even if it sometimes isn't the "good news" one of us would like to hear.

As to the legal jeopardy of the dealer by providing assurance or certification of originality, I have no worthwhile opinion. My assumption is they can say, in effect, "We believe it is legit, but you have three-days to examine and determine if you agree." Assuming there is no proof they know pertinent facts they are not disclosing, I would assume they are then free from legal entanglement. However, I'm no lawyer, so those assumptions mean little to nothing.

Gun Doc

Clinging to guns & religion since 1959

Keyboards make people braver than alcohol

Election Integrity is more important than Election Convenience

Washington Post: "Democracy Dies in Darkness"
More correct: "Killing Democracy Faster Than Darkness"