My oldest partner has some good news. He had arthritis in a big toe and could hardly walk. The plan was that the doc was going to lay open the big toe and scrape the deposits off the bone. The healing period would be several months and that would get us very close to hunting season. It got down to the final check before the surgery a couple weeks ago. Seems that he and the doc didn't have their stuff together. It was the 2d toe that hurt, not the big toe with the calcium buildup. The sharp points in the big toe were rubbing against the second toe and causing lots of pain. Simple solution: the doc cut off the 2d toe at the 1st joint. Recovery time was 2 weeks. Now he's ready to go hunting...and we just drew cow elk tags in our favorite spot.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.