
Thanks for all of the responses so far. Please keep them coming.

After much consideration I'm leaning towards a 2012-2015 Chevy K2500 with the 6.0L gas. The extra expense and maintenance cost of the Diesels are just too much to justify.
I will only be towing the camper 4-8 times a year and most of those trips are under 150 miles. I know a few guys that have gas 3/4 ton trucks and have picked their brains to the point of annoyance.
To a person they have really nothing bad to say about the gas engines when pulling a trailer and a couple use them every day for work trucks.
A diesel would pull better sure, but I don't think they make sense for my needs.

Elk Country

"I refuse to waste my common sense on those who have been educated beyond their intelligence"

All you need to know about Democrats is they call American citizens "Deplorables" and illegal immigrants "Dreamers"!