BS definately has a good thing going. He also tends to flaunt that.

I see alot of petty jelousy tends to come out of those that don't have that and really wish they did. I doubt it would be possible, but I wonder if the folks that hate BS could honestly say they aren't just a we bit jealous of him.

Since I'm not the jealous sort, I've learned quite a bit from BS, and would say what he says is spot on, if you can keep your panties from ruffling and getting bent out of shape in the presentation.

Just because someone comes across as pompous and knowing a bunch doesn't mean they don't know of what they talk about. If you want to learn, humble yourself and see if what they say jives with reality. If it does, then take what you want from that person.

Look at Donald trump, puffed up arrogant bastard, but he sure do know how to make a dollar. If you really care about making money like that, you'd be well advised to follow how he does it. If you just get hung up on him being arrogant, then you'll always have excuses of why you don't have what he does, while secretly desiring it.

Anyhow this all fundamentally comes down to whether you want to stand up for your own rights and doing whats best for you, or having others do it for you. So yes, those who aren't pro union just migh be rugged individualists. Those that say they can't get a fair shake on their loansome, well, it is what it is.

I'd say based on what I've heard from folks having homes built and remodeled, there is a killing to be made by the guy who can show up to work on time day after day, sober, and gets work done. A general handiman can charge $50+ an hour and have all the work he wants, a heck of alot of writeoffs as a business owner, and a schedule that allows one to fish on occasion. No, there won't be someone getting the work for you, and if your client isn't the easiest to work with, you'll have to deal with it vs filing a grievence.