Originally Posted by SockPuppet
How do you define a 'newer' truck? If you want brand new, seems like the guys above have it covered.
Honestly, if you're only towing ~6K and plan on keeping the truck (which makes resale less of an issue) then buy one of the newer HDs with a gas engine and call it a day. I'm dead serious.

By newer I'd like to get a pickup at least a 08-12 model year. While the camper usage is the main reason I want a used crew cab diesel it isn't the only. I also pull other things like a 28' tandem dual flat bed with dovetail, 16' thru 24' stock trailers, as well as 18' car hauler. I don't pull everyday but I do often enough that I want a diesel, I'm considering a 1/2 ton only because I am keeping my old 7.3L. However, I'm not sure I want to go with a 1/2 ton at this time either.

From 10/10/15 to 10/10/16 I went without a paycheck, I fell off a ladder and did one hell of a number on my right leg. My wife didn't have a job until July 2016 that grossed about $2400 a month, about the time I could start driving myself to appointments and really didn't need her as much anymore for getting around. We survived that year paying our mortgage and other bills because we hadn't over extended ourselves. We made it off of savings alone with a little help from the church in the way of food staples and my dad provided us with a half of beef. I've been back working almost a full year and while I have a small amount saved for a down payment, I don't have enough for a new truck to where I'd feel comfortable with the monthly payment.

I'm not against a 6.0L but it has to be the right truck, I'm also willing to look at pickups with 100-150K on them but again it has to be the right truck. I'm looking for a mostly stock pickup and have told all the dealers this as well and absolutely no lifts. I do most the maintenance already on my own pickup, but I'm not investing in a bunch of money in specialized tools. If I could find a deal like my buddy I'd be really happy, he scored a 2012 Ford 6.7L 4X4 XL for $27K with 54K on the odometer but deals like those are few and far between.