Oh look, Sig finally put something on its website about a "voluntary upgrade" to be explained on August 14, 2017. Link I guess it remembered it has a website.

Kevin’s link above has a purported Sig statement from August 4 that contains the following:

There have been zero (0) reported drop-related P320 incidents in the U.S. commercial market, with hundreds of thousands of guns delivered to date.

Now, we know that a cop claims to have been shot by one on January 5, 2017 (a couple of weeks before the army announcement, by the way), of which Sig was aware. So, while the wording of the statement may be 100% factually correct, it is seriously misleading. Let’s just say that Sig’s credibility has taken a huge hit in my book. It's not about the gun issue. Those come and go. It is about the way they handled this.

"Don't believe everything you see on the Internet" - Abraham Lincoln