Originally Posted by DigitalDan
Have thought for quite some time that Zero was merely a symptom of much deeper problems. He was opportunistic in taking advantage of our divisions, nothing more.

Keep your powder dry; Hell is coming to town on a pale horse.

Exactly right, as I See it. While he was the anti-American president, he represented an equally ignorant, misguided, and devious ant-American electorate. Additionally, he and his woefully brazen wife acted in embarrassing arrogance and unmitigated hubris like the entitled couple in trailer 2C in the corner who then won the Power Ball lottery.

I see him as an angry man in spite of his path to college, the Ivy's, and the presidency being aided in every way by the very culture he feels is racist and unfair. I believe he is a racist and can barely contain it.

Yet, he is a symptom, as mentioned above, and more importantly, voted in by a large, ignorant, intellectually weak, and devious segment of the electorate. These folks don't see the dubious point on the trajectory they have taken from from past times and true conservative principles and they are also the product of of a devolving culture.

This is not reversible unless a hundred years and a true miracle are in the offing.