We've been soaking our deer in ice water and salt for years and I truly believe it provides the best meat. It draws a lot of the blood out turning the meat pink in color and there's no gamey taste. SOP has been placing the meat in a large cooler, filling just above the meat with cold water, dumping about 30lbs of ice on, then sprinkling approx 1/2lb of salt on. We drain and repeat every other day for about a week, then process. That process provides a much better taste than dry aging in a cooler IMO.

It works well on hogs as well and for a smelly boar you can add baking soda to the process, which will remove the smell and provide a great taste.

My Father-in-law does this so often for the local family's meat that he found a couple of old iron bath tubs and placed them near the skinning rack. He plumbed them, insulated the tubs, built a sheet metal base around them, and made some foam lids as well. He has a nice ice machine as well, so it's a pretty simple process to brine one around his place.

I also soak tenderloins in salt water in the fridge for a few days before cooking after a fresh kill.