Originally Posted by jwall
Originally Posted by 5sdad

According to Hell, I Was There (and you weren't smile ) the back row is Bill Edwards, John Amber, Pete Kuhloff, Warren Page, Jack O'Connor, and Elmer Keith. The front row is Ray Ovington, Larry Kohler, Tom Siatos, Pete Brown, and Jack Seville. I am not familiar with all of them, and would appreciate if someone could provide their backgrounds.

Very Interesting ! I have the book but don't remember that. Several of those I am not familiar with either.
Thanks for posting that.


Ray Ovington wrote one of the great fly fishing for trout books, "Tactics On Trout".

Larry Koller wrote one of the great whitetail deer hunting books, "Shots At Whitetails".

I don't know what Bill Edwards or Jack Seville were known for.