Originally Posted by Calhoun
Originally Posted by RickyD
Originally Posted by Calhoun
WH Press Secretary and private sources are saying that Trump is open to raising the age for buying firearms such as semiauto rifles from 18 to 21.

Hmm. So many vets after doing a tour will be welcomed back to their homeland by being told they are too immature to own a handgun or semiauto rifle.

Not Winning.

It would not be hard to create a carve out for vets. Trump would also likely support that, as would I and many others.

That's all right then. As long as we can carve something out for the King's representatives and still deny it to the common folk, that's a perfect answer.

They've done it for "law enforcement" personnel for years in New Yorkistan. I'm guessing all the other blue zones also.

Honestly I'm not real worried about Trump caving to anything. He's stood headlong into the hurricane of everything else they throw at him without faltering. I'm guessing this goes no where.

They say everything happens for a reason.
For me that reason is usually because I've made some bad decisions that I need to pay for.