RickD, This is not an attack....merely my understanding of the 2nd. Amendment. If you read and comprehend the intent of 2nd. Amendment as written by the “Founding Fathers”..... there would be “no” firearms laws. The 2nd Amendment was designed to save us from the powers of our own government. Meaning, that though it may sound extreme.....we should be allowed the same weaponry as the government! Though “not” financially possible....by the intent of the 2nd. Amendment, I should be able to own a full battle-ready F-16. How else could we militarily defend against a tyrannical government! memtb

Last edited by memtb; 02/21/18.

You should not use a rifle that will kill an animal when everything goes right; you should use one that will do the job when everything goes wrong." -Bob Hagel

“I’d like to be a good rifleman…..but, I prefer to be a good hunter”! memtb 2024