Originally Posted by RollingThunder
Originally Posted by Paddler
Nunes didn't do himself or the Republican party any favors. Disgraceful. Perhaps he thinks that the 35% of (stupid) voters will be enough to maintain control of the House and Senate. This could backfire big time. I think Trump should resign soon. The longer he's president the worse it is for his business and for the Party. Which is good for the country.

Trump can't resign. The immunity that the office provides him is the only thing that will keep his ass out of prison.

It won't, however, prevent him form losing everything he owns to forfeiture charges similar to the ones facing Manafort (for the exact same charges). But hey, at least he won't die in prison. Maybe he can do a book deal in order to pay the bills.

Agreed. Trump's future looks bleak. Jared sold interest in a building in Brooklyn at a 60% premium to a company partly owned by the Japanese government. Nothing to see here, move along.

There were 3100 school walkouts today across the nation. March 24th will be huge. Woe to the chickenshit politicians who do the NRA's bidding. The kids will remember, grow up, and vote those aholes out of office. Read my signature line, the time of reckoning is coming.

The true hunter counts his achievement in proportion to the effort involved and the fairness of the sport. Saxton Pope