All is good! I got my itinerary and rental car reservation from the agent. I'm very pleased with the results. I priced hundreds of options for airfare and rental car and the cheapest I could find was $1500 for airfare and $575 for a compact car. She got us Alaska Air Companion fares for $1280 and a full size car for $275. I normally would never use a travel agent with all the online resources available, but chose to do so this time because this agent found us first class upgrades for $100 per segment the last time the wife and I flew. The extra $400 was just a bit more than the baggage fees we would have paid in coach ... four 50lb fish boxes aren't cheap, but the ride made up for any additional costs. She is looking for the upgrade this time, too. No success yet.

I just wish she would be a bit more responsive or if I'm just too anxious, tell me that you're going to work this three months out. I can understand this. False promises and comm-outs don't sit well with anxious folks. 😁

Sticks and stones may break my bones ... but hollow-points expand on impact.