Whelen/lance and Dogshooter...20” is convenient, handy, useful, likely a great passenger in the front seat, but I can’t add length to the barrel if I don’t like it...24” I can start chopping in increments. My “smith” is a good friend after all the years of business and shooting we do...He’ll chop and keep the threads until I like where it’s at....

Question....To all you guys who run “Cans”...Why do you like them? Beside, the obvious advantage of getting multiple shots off on coyotes coming in to calls. And, maybe keeping the volume down on a Pdog town for longer standing targets. What’s the other advantage? I live in as remote of an area as a lot of you. But, even with a “can” i wouldn’t be touching off my 6.5 suppressed in the hood...What gives??? 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”