Was trapping muskcrats in a one man made (me) duck boat, cold as he// very choppy with white caps, last day picking traps. I look over to another small bay, otter swimming back & forth playing around. Otter spelled $$$$$ about $120.00 back then, 90 yards, bobbing up & down in the white caps , dog spies the otter, wind at about 30 mph, (22 rim fire) right through the neck. About 51or 52 years ago, young stupid, would not even try the shot now!!!! Not because of better eyes, steadier nerves, not very responsible!??? Dad was happy till he heared the story. Took the wind out of my sails quickly. Live & learn.πŸΎπŸ‘£πŸΎπŸ‘£πŸΎπŸ‘£