Originally Posted by memtb
Now we need a topic of “greatest misses”....I could write a book! wink memtb

Hardest shot was a triple I made on teal with my Browning A5 Magnum 20 gauge. A small band came from behind my blind, I was pouring my dad a cup of thermos coffee when I heard the swoosh of fast wings. 8-9 buzzed over the deeks then cut a hard left on the outside of the decoys. I handed dad his coffee, snapped up the A5 and swung on the last and closest teal. It folded and the rest of the band went straight up Rocket Man on my shot. The next two I just focused on the forward edge (head) of each bird and snapped two shots off quickly folding both like the first...Dad handed me his coffee back and said you shoot better than you make coffee son. 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”