Originally Posted by memtb
Now we need a topic of “greatest misses”....I could write a book! wink memtb

Greatest miss...Thats an easy one. I ranged a nice young cow during a 3 month long cow hunt with my old Bushnell 1000 that didn’t have ARC technology. Reading came back 236 yards. The cow was at about a 45 degree downward angle from me. I was sitting on a cut stump that made a comfortable shooting platform when I placed my pack on top of it...No dialing back then. No cds, just straight up set and forget Leupold 3.5-10x40.

The cow is just feeding on the side hill unaware I’m above. Lots of time, no rush, dead elk for sure. I find her in my scope and start to settle the crosshairs on her lower rib cage. Then i start thinking, should I pull low for the angle or high? I think it’s pull low if the shot is low and pull high if shooting across and high. No, no...I’m supposed to pull high on a downward shot...Yes, that’s it. I put the crosshairs on the top of her back and sent one down at her. Nothing! But the cows Head came up looking for an exit. I pulled a little higher this time and touched off...Nothing. The cow became a ghost after the last shot.

The actual yardage was approximately 147 yards. The following season when I went back to the spot I had my pardner laze the spot with his new Leupold RF with TBR. My rifle at that time was zero 2.5” high at 100. Just a simple “Swing and a miss”. 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”