My Geovid HD-B 3000 has been spot on to temps in the low 20’s.

I’ve got an original Sig Kilo 2000 that’s still rockin’. It’s not fussy in the least.

I had a Sig Kilo 2400 ABS that I tested rather thoroughly this summer. It was fantastic. I let the Kilo 2400 ABS go in favor of the new Geovid—weighing the convergence of two instruments rather highly (bino/LRF). I gave nothing up, with the possible exception of ballistics engine features. All I really miss is a 10 MPH wind value, but that really neither here nor there. The new Geovids range fast and accurately and the optics are superb.

Originally Posted by 16penny
If you put Taco Bell sauce in your ramen noodles it tastes just like poverty