Originally Posted by fester

Sometimes being complete sober watching drinkers get tanked is funny!

I normally eschew the complete sobriety thing at social events, but always have remembered what my old man said to me during a cocktail party at their place in Boston long ago after I asked why he didn't loosen up a bit and enjoy one or two more than his usual beers. He said, "first off, I make it a point to always be in control, especially so anywhere that your mother is present. That's something that might not be possible if I have too much to drink. Second, over the years I've found more pleasure at these types of social gatherings can be had watching people. Some normally pretentious, prim and proper old sea biscuit falling down with her dress over her head, some loudmouth getting slapped by his wife in front of everyone, and occasionally getting a chance to confront some hayseed for pilfering things like shrimp, lobster tails and crab claws. 'Hey there fella, I note that your pet crab in your sport coat pocket is needing you to take him for a walk or something; he keeps reaching up trying to get your attention...' wink