Originally Posted by RiverRider
IMO, peoples' values are AFU (probably from having a television in their houses for most of their lives). Being a lower class wage earner in this country, you're better off than about 95% of the world's population. Yet, we're unhappy because we see someone driving a BMW we can't afford and think little of our 2200 square-foot homes because some arsewipe on "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" has a 22 bedroom mansion.

Envy is disgusting, and the whining that accompanies it merits flogging.

Excuse me while I shoot myself.

Our humble abode is under half of your 2200sf example.
But it is warm, dry, paid for.
Actually, I bet I am more wealthy than many of those who have
A fancy house and car. Everything we have, we own, and we actually have
some money.

I know A lot of "poor" people around here.
Some,just won't work. Others, don't understand money, or, look for the addiction,
And not just the normal, the worst is instant gratification.

I have a neighbor, his dad passed on a big insurance business.
He has improved it. I didn't have the advantages he did. It's not
likely I could have ever achieved his wealth level. That's ok. It took them
several generations, hard work, and some good luck to do that.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!