"Why elk hunt?"

I'm not sure why elk hunt. I've never read a paper that detailed why elk hunt. Elk are herbivores, so they would not hunt in the fashion predators like men hunt. But I suppose elk could hunt some tasty grass or succulent forbs and browse. smile

Now why do I hunt elk? I don't. I admit the elk won. I can't take it anymore. They laugh at me as they come right up to the fence dividing the properties and lay down and wait until legal light has ended, then they flood the field.

I could go on, but it is just plumb embarrassing. I might have to go into the witness protection plan.

Mainly it is because I love hunting antelope and deer more. If I have a need for a larger animal, I do better on moose.

Another reason is that my left leg is significantly weakened after nerve damage caused by a back injury and retrieving most elk is difficult. I have a hard enough time retrieving a deer. Shucks some days it is hard to walk well in a parking lot, let alone rough terrain.

No other animal has embarrassed me like elk.

The elk won.