On the other hand, I have an appreciation for MRC's situation: you have a mix of new and old personnel; those who survived the initial 'purge' are probably non-committal until they really know what their status in the long-term scheme of events. The new guys are still trying find their place. The new owner is surely aware of issues from an external perspective but now that he has keys to all the locks, he's trying to weed out all the problems - including people. If it were me, I would be giving all remaining employees a chance to start afresh and not rushing to judgment so not to inadvertently push out the good when I get rid of the bad. Yes, it would seem wiser to 'close down' while regrouping, but from a marketing and perception perspective, that sends a more ominous message than trying to remain accessible during the transition. Kind of like a "damned if you do - damned if you don't" scenario.

AKA The P-Man smile

If you cherish your memories with kids, be a good role model . . . . so the RIGHT memories of you mean something to them.