Originally Posted by colorado bob
Brian, that's a nice buck.

Thanks, but it was a little bitter sweet. The night before, I shot a really nice big 8 point. I got him a little high and left. Clearly a bad shot on my part and got part of the shoulder. The arrow only went in to the fletchings when he ran off. I tracked him a ways in the dark with very little blood. So I figured I'd go hunting the next morning and then try to pick up the trail. A half hour after I got in the tree, that 9 point came along, except this time I made a good shot. I picked up the blood trail on the 8 point, but there wasn't much blood to work with and finally ran out of any sign. So I went in search for him down the creek bottom with no luck. I spent a couple of hours looking, but I had to give it up because the 9 point was still laying in the field and I was a little worried about the foxes and coyotes. I hate it when that happens.

It's nice hearing from you Bob. I hope all is well.

Last edited by StoneCutter; 02/01/19.

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