I have no problem with Big Stick. Just as everybody else here he gets to post what he wants and we can either agree, disagree, ignore or whatever. Not much different than many with their political comments. We are all adults and need not be offended by the free speech of another. I have yet to see where his opinion(s) has diminished my ability to my own opinion(s), nor my ability to think or speak it. Now, that, would tick me off. I will say, I don't always understand his comments. But he is not alone in that category and it doesn't bother me at all.

If you are going to start banning or blocking people for their ideas, opinions or what they post - then this forum will start down the path that many others have gone before. Many good people will drop away and I would hate to see that. So many diamonds in and amongst the rubble on this forum that its loss would be very sad indeed. (i would estimate a high percentage of diamonds to rubble compared to any other site.)